Gordon Graham

Gordon Graham is a former information technology professional with over 30 years of experience in the electric utility industry. During his career, he was recognized by peers and industry trade associations as an authority on information technology management issues and was a sought-after speaker on information technology strategy and aligning technology with business.

In addition to his decades-long career, Gordon earned an AAS degree in computer science from Columbia Basin College, a BA in public administration from the University of Puget Sound, and an MBA in information technology management from City University, along with numerous certifications in IT and project management. He has served as the information technology section chair for the Northwest Public Power Association and as both information technology section chair and vice chair of the Business and Finance Committee for the American Public Power Association. Additionally, he has also served on curriculum committees for Wenatchee Valley College and NCW High School Skills Center.

Now retired, Mr. Graham lives in Oregon with his wife, where they enjoy gardening, boating, and traveling.

The Intrepid Brotherhood Blog

And For My Next Number ….

Well, I don't know when the rest of the podcasts that I have recorded will be released so .... I have to find other ways to pester all of you! Toward that end, I have started a Blog on my website. This message is actually being sent from the blog builder on my...

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Goodreads Giveaway

The Goodreads Giveaway for my book, The Intrepid Brotherhood, is over and the winners have been notified. We got 537 entries for the 100 books! Thank all of you for your interest, and congratulations to the winners!If you were drawn to receive a free ebook, please...

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